What is Smart Contract

What is Smart Contract Oracle In Blockchain System?

What exactly is a smart contract oracle? Here is an exhaustive handbook to help you understand the fundamentals and advanced concepts of Smart Contract Oracles. Let’s get started! Is blockchain the best example of 21st-century technological innovation? It certainly is! At the same time, it is embroiled in several controversies due to its setbacks. The primary functionality of blockchain is to allow individuals and organizations to exchange digital assets without centralized third parties.

On the contrary, blockchain can only execute simple transactions, implying the need for smart contracts. In recent years, the role of smart contracts in blockchain-based applications has evolved significantly. The Ethereum Virtual Machine, for example, has increased the versatility and programmability of smart contracts. However, smart contracts need to be improved by their inability to access external information from the real world. The following discussion explains how these oracles aid in the resolution of blockchain technology‘s most critical problem. It is necessary to know more about the concept of a smart contract to understand smart contract oracles.

What is Smart Contract? 

Smart contracts are self-contained computer programs that can execute automatically when certain conditions are met. Smart contracts allow you to share anything of value with strangers more transparent and conflict-free.


How Smart Contract Oracle Works Blockchain Shiksha

Smart contracts can also be considered vending machines, albeit ones powered by blockchain. We can compare smart contracts with vending machines. Like in the case of vending machines delivering the goods on insertion of money, Ethereum-based smart contracts rely on Ether to execute code according to predefined rules.

Smart contracts are pieces of code that run without any innovative implications or legal significance. However, traditional perceptions of smart contracts have shifted dramatically in recent years. Recent trends in smart contracts have strongly emphasized determinism and immutability. After deployment, the code of smart contracts becomes immutable.

As a result, you can delete the smart contract while keeping the transaction history on the blockchain on which it was running. Furthermore, even though an agent creates them, smart contracts feature self-ownership. Any private keys do not control smart contracts and cannot self-execute.

What is Smart Contract Oracle?

An oracle blockchain, by definition, is connected to the outside world. Oracles assist in retrieving and verifying external data for blockchain and smart contracts by utilizing market data feeds and online APIs. Depending on the use case, smart contracts may require various forms of data. Smart contracts, for example, may require demand, supply, or price input data. Blockchain techs can use oracles in smart contract applications to query the data source and request specific information. The oracles establish a connection between the data source and the blockchain-to-data-feed interface.

Classification of Smart Contract Oracles:

The oracle’s source refers to the data’s origins, whether from hardware or software. The trust aspect in smart contract oracles highlights the centralized or decentralized character of the oracle smart contract. The direction of information, which could be outgoing or inbound, also influences the classification of smart contract oracles. Let’s look at the many forms of smart contract oracles to grasp oracles better.

. Hardware Oracles: When smart contracts must interact with the actual world, hardware smart contract oracles are essential. Hardware oracles’ basic design allows them to gather data from the physical world while also assuring that it is available to smart contracts. Hardware oracles can supply information from electronic sensors, information reading devices, and barcode scanners.

The job of hardware oracles focuses on converting real-world events into digital values that smart contracts can understand.

. Software Oracles:  Software oracles are designed for interaction with online sources. The oracles then send the data to the blockchain from online sources. The data for software oracles could come from any data source on the internet, including websites, online databases, and servers.

Software oracles with internet access significantly benefit from providing information to smart contracts while ensuring real-time data delivery. Real-time trading information, interest rates, and digital asset prices are examples of the information provided by software oracles.

. Contract-based oracles: These are another well-known form of oracle blockchain. Contract-based oracles are designed to be used by only one smart contract. As a result, if someone wishes to deploy a variety of smart contracts, they’ll need to create a sufficient number of contract-based roles. The most significant disadvantage of contract-specific oracles is the high cost and time required to maintain them.

Companies that need to collect data from various sources may find contract-specific oracles unfeasible. However, oracles for individual smart contracts can be designed based on unique use cases. Above importantly, developers have good flexibility in customizing the smart contract oracle to their own needs.

. Inbound Oracles and Outbound Oracles: Inbound Oracles can transmit information to smart contracts from external sources. Similarly, outbound oracles are involved in sending data to real-world recipients.

On the other hand, a smart lock is an excellent example of an outbound oracle. The smart contract uses an outbound oracle to send the information about the fund deposit.

. Centralized and Decentralized Oracles: The only information provider for smart contracts is centralized oracles, which a single party controls. Relying on a specific source of information carries significant risks. The oracle’s control would considerably impact the contract’s efficiency.

Furthermore, any harmful involvement of rogue agents could directly impact the smart contract. As a result, the single point of failure is the most severe issue with the Oracle smart contract in its centralized form. As a result, centralized oracles can make contracts less resistant to assaults and flaws.

On the other hand, decentralized oracles have similar goals to public blockchains, focusing on avoiding counterparty hazards. Decentralized oracles could increase the trustworthiness of data provided to smart contracts. How? Decentralized oracles do not depend on a single source of information, and several oracles must determine data validity and accuracy. Because of their functions, decentralized oracles are sometimes known as consensus oracles.

Oracle Applications

Using cryptocurrencies alongside real-world contracts is one of the most popular functions of an oracle. Assume a person is selling a vehicle in return for cryptocurrencies. You can create an oracle that transfers facts from the blockchain to the real world and then use it to transfer the title as soon as the monies are transferred.

We can use oracles to make informal agreements, such as “I’ll give you ten tokens if my team wins the game.” An oracle can monitor results and transfer tokens once a winner is declared.

Oracles are also helpful in handling derivatives, insurance, and other risk management strategies. Farmers can use oracles to handle agricultural derivatives that provide a payout if bad weather kills their crop. The oracle can monitor the temperature and ensure that the farmer receives insurance benefits if a certain amount of rain does not fall on time.

Oracles may also assist with cryptocurrency investments, which is a beneficial aspect. For investors, blockchain oracles can keep an eye on cryptos, stock prices, and foreign exchange rates and subsequently buy or sell cryptocurrency in response to these external changes. A blockchain oracle makes it significantly easier for a clever investor to keep a portfolio of various assets up to date.

As you can see, oracles perform a wide range of vital functions. Their capacity to bridge the gap between blockchains and real-world events gives blockchains utility. Users can incorporate blockchains into their daily lives using oracles.

The Oracle Problem

As smart contracts make decisions based on data given by Oracle networks, the latter becomes an unprecedented unit of the fundamental process. The primary concern in creating oracles is the potential for compromise. If the oracle is compromised, so will the smart contract that relies on it. The Oracle Problem is the name given to this situation. It is divided into two sections:

  • Individual blockchains need help accessing external data sources.
  • Using centralized oracles run by a single party compromises the potential of smart contracts, introducing security problems.
  • Because oracles are not a part of the primary blockchain consensus, they do not provide the security features that public blockchains do. 

Furthermore, the trust difficulty between third-party oracles and trustless smart contract execution still needs to be solved. Finally, unplanned intrusions can endanger the system, such as when a hacker gains access to the data and modifies it while transiting between oracles and smart contracts. However, decentralized oracles are working to resolve these concerns to maintain a healthy blockchain environment.

How Oracle Works?

All Oracle networks perform three critical functions, which are as follows:

  • Data collection from a reputable external source
  • Using a signed message to send the information on-chain
  • Making the data source available to end users by securely storing it in a smart contract.
  • Once the data is saved in a smart contract, other automated agreements can readily access it via message calls referencing the retrieve function. Ethereum nodes or network participants can access the data directly via the Oracle ecosystem’s storage area.
  • Methods for Creating an Oracle

Oracle solutions can be installed in three different methods. 

  • Immediate-read
  • Oracles provide data needed to make quick choices, such as ‘is this number bigger than 10?’ Users who seek such information do so on a ‘just-in-time’ basis, implying that the lookup occurs only when the query is provided. Dial codes, airport identification, and so on are examples.

1. Publish-subscribe

This oracle covers provides services for changeable data managed by an on-chain smart contract or verified for updates by an off-chain protocol. This configuration includes price feeds, user traffic statistics, economic or statistical data, etc.

2. Request-response

The configuration is useful when the data space for a smart contract is quite large, and users are expected to consume just a tiny portion of it at any given time. It combines on-chain smart contracts with off-chain infrastructure. Oracles in this location monitor requests, retrieve, and provide data as rapidly as possible. The steps involved in this case are as follows:

  • A Dapp has made a request.
  • Take the query and split it up.
  • Check that payment and data access permissions are in place.
  • Seek reliable facts from a third party. If necessary, encrypt it.
  • Sign the documents.
  • Distribute the transaction over the network.
  • Additional transactions, such as alerts, can be scheduled.

Blockchain's Most Important Applications Oracle 

Decentralized Finance, or DeFi: has emerged as one of the most popular concepts in recent years. The sector is expanding rapidly, necessitating the most significant technologies and resources. Oracles are essential in supporting the DeFi cluster because they enable users to access financial data relating to assets and markets readily.

For example, money markets dealing with virtual assets use price oracles to determine investors’ borrowing capacity. These oracles aid in determining if an investor’s position is undercollateralized and subject to liquidation. Furthermore, automated Market Makers employ price oracles to concentrate liquidity at the current market price, which helps to improve efficiency.

Applications of blockchain smart contract oracle: Blockchain Shiksha

Blockchain Gaming and NFTs: With the help of oracles, smart contracts locate their home in non-financial fields such as NFTs and blockchain games. NFTs are very dynamic and subject to fluctuations in external events. Furthermore, compute oracles aid in creating verifiable randomness, which provides randomized features to NFTs. These oracles are also used to select random game winners or NFT drops. Verifiable randomness is used in e-games to increase engagement and unpredictability in their ecosystems.

Business Entities: Cross-chain oracles offer entities a dependable blockchain-enabled middleware solution. They make it simple for businesses to integrate their backend channels with any blockchain. Oracles assist organizations in providing smart contract support to their users without incurring the expense of constructing a relationship with particular blockchains.

Insurance companies employ input oracles to execute smart contracts on their decentralized clusters. These oracles confirm insurable events during claim processing by providing access to physical sensors, web APIs, and legal data. Claim payouts are facilitated via output oracles across other blockchain networks or traditional payment systems.

Environmental Responsibility: Hybrid contracts increase environmental sustainability by improving and motivating users who participate in green activities. Oracles use sensor readings, satellite imaging, and advanced technology to give smart contracts with seamless access to environmental data. The smart contracts then reward individuals and businesses that promote the concept of sustainable consumption. They are also expanding assistance for additional carbon credits to mitigate the detrimental effects of climate change.

Conclusion: Blockchain technology has yet to find popular applications due to its inability to access external data. As a result, a dependable system for providing external data to blockchains and smart contracts, such as a smart contract oracle, could give promising results. According to the use cases, blockchain oracles assist smart contracts in accessing external, real-world information.

 As a result, oracles could broaden the scope of blockchain implementation in various real-world applications. Stay tuned for next exciting topic. Team Blockchain Shiksha would be happy to interact with you. Follow us on LinkedIn

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4 thoughts on “What is Smart Contract Oracle In Blockchain System?”

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